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the comfort collection

stories that help children open up

The comfort collection is a series of bundled picture books curated to help children see their way through some of life’s hardest times.

Curated by former Calgary Reads CEO Steacy Pinney, each book was chosen for its beautiful, soothing images and its promise of hope.

Then, they were bundled with ribbons and bows and pretty bookmarks and reading notes for caregivers—and given to some of our city’s most vulnerable children.

And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.”

– Anaïs Nin

bibliotherapy: the practice of reading to understand and overcome emotions

floriography: the practice of sending messages via the language of flowers

The four comfort collection book bundles are arranged by theme and represented by a flower.

self-love and understanding

~ feelings

healing and wellbeing

~ healing from trauma

hope and wishes

~ newcomers

life, survival and vitality

~ Indigenous stories

Nobody sees a flower, really. It is so small. We haven’t time, and to see takes time.”

– Georgia O’Keefe

The healing power of reading together

Stories helps children imagine a way forward and give them a safe, gentle place to start expressing tough feelings The books in this collection are meant to be read with a   caring, trusted adult who uses the provided reading tips to help a child become the teller of their story.

Reading and mental health

Caregivers and children alike benefit from regularly cuddling up to share a story:

  • Sense of calm and connection
  • A feeling of routine and stability
  • Empathy toward others
  • Skills to communicate, navigate and problem-solve through day-to-day challenges
These special organizations ensured comfort collections got to the hands of children and families who needed them most.

Burns Memorial Fund


Children’s Cottage

Centre for Newcomers


Discovery House

Douglas Harkness School

Families Matter

Immigrant Services Calgary



Terra Centre

Women’s Centre of Calgary

YW Calgary

“May the comfort collection remind us to ‘stop and smell the roses’ by slowing down to read with a child.”

-Steacy Pinney

Thank you to everyone who was a part of this project in helping children understand and thrive.

$109,000 raised

1,160 bundles given out