Contact Us
Little Red Reading House
922 8 Ave SE
Calgary, AB T2G 0M3
Visits are by appointment only.
Book Bank
We are grateful to receive ALL book donations at Shedpoint on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, 9 am to 4 pm. Please make an appointment by emailing dawnc@littleredreading.house . Arranged donation drops can be dropped off at:
1212 34 Ave SE
Calgary, AB T2G 1V7

Media Inquiries
We’d love to share the story of Little Red Reading House far and wide. If you belong to a media organization and would like more information about our work, let us know.
Book Donations
Every child who visits Little Red Reading House receives a free book. Those gifts are made possible by generous donations from the community. To keep our supply manageable, we ask that you follow our book donation guidelines.